Apple Candle  

Friday, January 30, 2009

Apple or Candle?

When I saw there was an event going on on Food photography, I should say I was pretty excited. First I thought there would be great photographers around, and I'm just a starter in cooking and photography. But I couldn't keep myself from doing it, just thought "let's give it a try". I kept thinking about all the vegetables and fruits in Red. It was revolving around my head like butterflies. :) Also, I wanted to do something creative. So finally gathered up my thoughts and took an apple and made it a candle. My husband is very much interested in photography and he has taken beautiful photos of scenaries. I guess I got these tiny little thoughts and interests from him. Let's wait and see how many great photos gather around for the round-up!! :)

The Apple Candle goes to the Click - January (Red) event hosted by Jugalbandi.

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