My First Awards  

Thursday, February 26, 2009

My dear friend Mangala of Recipes 24X7 was kind enough to pass me on these awards. Mangala, I am really touched and encouraged by these awards.

Thank you very much dear! I promise to be a jewel of a friend and try to be a good chef. :)

I would like to pass these awards on to my best friend Deepa of Simple Home Cooking who inspired me to start my own blog and introduced me to a whole new blogging world. She is also an important part of my life and deserves these awards most.

I would also like to pass these awards to another best friend Sangeetha of Chila kurippugal. She has started her blog just now. And being the one who actually tasted all her delicious dishes, I'm sure she is going to be totally successful. Sangeetha and Deepu, you deserve these more than me! :)

I would also like to pass these on to Lavanya of Vividha Ruchulu who is an amazing cook herself. Keep it up girl! :)

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